Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Reboot

It's so good to be back! Lots of changes have occurred over the last couple of months. I'm about to graduate and head into that scary place called the real world (I was force fed the red pill even though I chose the blue pill). Right now I'm in France; the Cannes Film Festival just ended and yours truly was there. It was a fantastic experience and a game changer for me. To be there, and meet so many people was amazing.

While watching ESPN one day, one of their million analyst said this quote, "Change is inevitable, but growth is optional." I know, I know; ESPN is the last place people go to find something inspirational but it worked for me. I will not fight the changes in my life and I will grow because of it.

So, the $64,000 dollar question: What does this all mean? Well, it means I am changing the subject matter of my blog (wait, don't leave). Instead of talking about sports (that's so 2010), I will write movie reviews and talk about my Cannes experience. I'm now international, (step 2 in my secret evil plan to take over the world) so my blog should show my growth as a writer and a person.

This is not your grandfather's reboot; this is a rebirth except less messy. So, for the two people still reading, get ready for something fearless, and fun!

1 comment:

  1. Okay then! While you are in France can you send me and Creschenda some rent money??? LOL Glad to see you are doing fine! I'll have to subscribe to this.
