Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

Hi everybody! I know, I know, it's been too long! I stopped writing without any explanation but I assure you this blog was not canceled (this blog is critically acclaimed; though that did not save Arrested Development) but fear not; for I am back and better than ever. It has been brought to my attention that I broke one of my ten commandments but believe me when I say I will never break them again(I have given myself one hundred lashes; they were very painful and it just stopped hurting to sit down).

So, the one-trillion dollar question: Donte', how was your summer? Well, I saw the majestic black dolphins of Quahog, I traveled to Colorado and learned how to rap in Spanish, I planted an idea in the mind of a prominent basketball player (I even met this guy), and last but not least I wrote a book but that was nothing compared to everything else. I guess the next question is: How did I pay for all of these trips? Well...(I am not proud of myself; I got a chest contusion after too many chest bumps) but that's neither here nor now, the important part is that my summer was awesome (though I will never be able to bro-out ever again)!

So, for all the sports blogs that have started up in my absence and thought I would not come back, I am telling you to CEASE AND DESIST (That's right, I just used all caps). This is your only warning: If you continue I am coming after you, Michael Corleone style (that was a bit extreme, I take it back...kinda)! I am serious when it comes to my return; I'm hungrier than Mike Tyson after eating his opponents children and angrier than a Mel Gibson voicemail. I'm focused and ready to give the bloggersphere the unfiltered truth (well, as much as humanly possible). There's nothing else to say...I'm back!

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