That is a long title but it is true. Like any addict there comes a point where one must admit their addiction, acknowledge it's existence then ignore it and go back to doing it until you get caught in the car with a hooker. Then it is only a matter of time before Jesus, Allah or the God of your choice is found. Well, that is my random rant of the day! Any who, it is very easy to hate on Brett Farve. The amount of sportscasters who have man crushes on Brett Farve is about the equivalent of baby mama's Lil Wayne has (he is at four baby mama's and counting. We all laughed when he said that he wanted to screw every girl in the world but little did we know he was very serious.) In many people eyes Brett Farve can do no wrong. He can throw interceptions that end his teams season and still get away unscathed. He could get on the stage of Saturday Night Live and rip up a picture of the pope and many people would say, "That is Farve being Farve, look at the technique he used to rip up that picture". Because of this and his back and forth about retiring, Brett Farve was my go to guy to hate on in sports (it use to be this guy but the poor kid has been through alot).
It became so easy to hate on Brett Farve that I ignorned the fact that he is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. This season he threw 33 touchdowns and only 7 interceptions. While he holds the record for most interceptions thrown in NFL history, he also has records for most touchdown passes, consecutive starts, passing yards and butt slaps (can NFL players file sexual harassment charges against teammates or can Brett Farve get away with that too?) He also won a Superbowl with a guy who could pass as a walrus ( if you think not look at the before and after. Along with this guy and this guy the walrus look is definitely in this season). The point is that Brett Farve has done alot. He is a great quarterback and he had the best comeback this side of Mickey Rourke (Old guys seem to be another must have item this year). Nobody has made this much fuss over a forty year old man since they found out this guy was a virgin.
After realizing that Brett Farve has given hope to broken down, over the hill athletes everywhere (and seeing how one day I will be one of these broken down, over the hill athletes) I have come to begrudgingly like Brett Farve and admire what he has done. Whether he decides to retire, then unretire, then retire again but not before he unretires from his official retirement Brett Farve should earn our respect if for no other reason that if we (the fans) choose not to acknowledge him we will look like a fool with our pants on the ground. So, Brett, if your are reading this (I could always use your support) you have become my favorite gunslinger because unlike John Wayne, you actually like black people.
(Next time on This is True, an athlete will make a complete ass out of themself and Donte's ghostwriter will consult them on their image makeover.)
A lot of passion and strongly held opinion here. And some funny and insightful lines. But watch your grammar. Proof. Rewrite and hone. It will make your posts stronger.
ReplyDeleteOne (of many) grammatical problems: "The amount of sportscasters." You count people; you don't measure them with teaspoons. Should be: "The number of sportscasters."