In my infinite wisdom, I have managed to connect my Western short story from last week to my story this week. My story this week talks about Roger Goodell and how he is trying to bring law and order to the NFL. Now, it is no secret in recent years the NFL has had a problem with their player's behaving badly off the field. All sport leagues have this problem: the NBA is just coming out of their disciplinary problems, and baseball players have seen more syringes than crackheads in Harlem. The NFL, however, has been dominating the news over the past three seasons. From Michael Vick to Donte' Stallworth to Ben Roethilisberger, it has been a mess.
When Roger Goodell took over, the NFL became (and still is) the king of the hill on the sports landscape. With that said, the discipline policy under his predecessor was lax if not non-existent. For example, Leonard Little committed vehicular homicide while driving drunk. His punishment: an eight game suspension. I know some people would feel that is fair; until he was caught driving drunk again! He was not punished for the latter offense. This guy should be banned! Say what you will about Pete Rose, but he never killed anyone! Oh, then there was the love boat scandal (if you don't read any other link, read this one) where no one received punishment. (While video of the incident cannot be shown, this is an accurate re-enactment).
Enter Roger Goodell. No more DUI's, no more sexy parties. I cannot say I blame Goodell. After only 4 months on the job, Darrent Williams was killed in a drive by shooting. A couple of weeks later Adam "Pacman" Jones showed what happens when making it rain goes wrong when he was involved in a Las Vegas shootout. Things were getting out of hand and something needed to be done. While I do not agree with all of his decisions (Michael Vick being one of them) I will say he has been consistent. Ben Roethilisberger may not have been convicted but will still get punished. Sometimes extremes have to be taken when necessary (especially with a guy like this running around). So, Commissioner Goodell, if you are reading this (I know you are), remember: there was a point when the west was won. The law established itself and the lone ranger mentality was no longer needed. Your policies work now, but there will come a point when they will no longer be needed and you will have to give up that power. If you continue to be judge, jury and executioner it will only lead to one logical outcome: revolt. Well, in your case maybe an impeachment, but you get my point. Wow, that was heavy! I want to end on a funny note. Time for a random youtube video!
you know way too much about this stuff...